Contacting MISART

How to contact MISART

Contact Us

Please bear in mind that while we would love to hear from you, MISART is a 100% volunteer organization. This sometimes leads to lag times between contact requests from you, and the MISART response to your inquiry. Please allow an ample amount of time before sending another request for information (2 weeks).

Whenever contacting a member/department of MISART, please try to match your request to the closest appropriate member/department within MISART. Sending a request to the President of MISART asking about joining will result in said request being passed from the President to the Membership person, which only lengthens the amount of time between your request and the response.

MISART E-mail Contact List:


The desire for power in excess caused angels to fall; the desire for knowledge in excess caused man to fall; but in charity is no excess, neither can man or angels come into danger by it. (Francis Bacon)